1 Corinthians 12

 Another division in the Corinthian church was due to their misunderstanding of spiritual gifts.

 v1-3 – Paul corrects the wrongheaded demonstration of the Spirit’s work in worship that mimicked pagan worship.

v4-11 – Paul outlines and briefly explains spiritual gifts.

v12-13 – Paul emphasizes in Christ, the church is one body with many members.

v14-24 – Every member has a gift (v7), and these verses declare every member is essential.

v25-27 – The gifts are not given to compare but to care for one another.

v28-31 – Ranking the importance of gifts is wrongheaded and leads to divisions. All members and gifts are placed in the body of Christ for a specific function.

v31b – All the previous gifts require the gift of love to be in action.

Your gift is for service, not for you to feel superiority.