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• Is Candies Creek Academy accredited by any agency or organization?
• What is the student-teacher ratio?
• Will the teachers at Candies Creek Academy be certified?
• How does Candies Creek Academy view parental involvement?
• What curriculum will be used at Candies Creek Academy?
• What textbooks will be used at Candies Creek Academy?
• What subjects will be taught at Candies Creek Academy?
• What is Classical education?
• Will a Candies Creek Academy diploma be generally accepted?
• How will students who have not been trained classically adjust to the new methods?
• How are students be evaluated at Candies Creek Academy?
• Does Candies Creek Academy have a sports program?
• Does Candies Creek Academy offer other electives?
• What does a day in a Grammar stage classroom look like?
• What does a day in a Logic/Rhetoric stage classroom look like?
Q. What grade levels will Candies Creek Academy offer?
For the 2021-2022 academic year, CCA will offer a full academic program for Preschool (ages 3 – 4) through 8th grade.
Q. Is Candies Creek Academy accredited by any agency or organization?
Candies Creek Academy is a member of ACCS (Association of Classical Christian Schools), TACS (Tennessee Association of Christian Schools), and AACS (American Association of Christian Schools).
Q. What is the student-teacher ratio?
Our intention is to have no more than a class ratio of 1 adult to 12 students. This low ratio will allow our teachers a significant amount of time to work with students both one-on-one and also in small groups.
Q. Are the teachers at Candies Creek Academy certified?
State teacher certification is not a requirement at this time for Candies Creek Academy. We require our teachers to have a bachelor’s degree, be faithful Christians, love children, and have a passion for their area of expertise. We are committed to a classical education methodology where children are allowed to grow through a true understanding of the material being presented. Some of our educators have worked in public schools in the past and have a state teaching credential. Eventually, every educator at Candies Creek Academy will be required to achieve certification through one of our Christian accrediting agencies.
Q. How does Candies Creek Academy view parental involvement?
At Candies Creek we will partner with parents in educating their children. Candies Creek will parallel a Christian lifestyle and guide the children through a path toward academic success under delegated authority of the parent. We believe it is the parents who will best encourage practice and study at home to augment what they learn in school. Candies Creek will distribute an annual calendar at the beginning of the year along with stated milestones allowing the parent to follow along and promote their child’s advancement. We strongly encourage parental involvement in our school through time in the classroom, volunteering for events, and visiting with the teachers on a regular basis.
Q. Will a Candies Creek Academy diploma be generally accepted?
Yes, a Candies Creek Academy student will receive a diploma recognized by the state of Tennessee, and be well prepared to excel at any college entrance exam they choose while gaining practical hands on skills to equip them for life. Candies Creek Academy understands that college acceptance looks at the whole student where academics is only one piece. Candies Creek Academy will not only excel at guiding a child’s academics, but will guide the child toward a well-rounded wisdom (knowledge and experience), enabling them to serve intellectually wherever they choose through empathy, love, community service, and a true desire to give through grace.
Q. What curriculum is used at Candies Creek Academy?
The word curriculum comes from a Latin word, which means “course of action, race, direction”. Since a curriculum establishes the “direction” of our students during these very important years of growth, we are taking curriculum choices very seriously. We want our curriculum to be designed with our “telos” in mind. “Telos” is a Greek word used to describe the end term of a goal-directed process. Our “telos” as stated in our vision statement is to “forge students who embrace their royal identity in Christ so they will fulfill their God given purpose”. We are continually pursuing a curriculum that will, most importantly, maintain a Biblical Worldview and use a Classical methodology. Our goal is to bring joy throughout the school setting while presenting academically challenging material in an engaging and genuine manner to students.
Q. What textbooks are used at Candies Creek Academy?
Many people confuse the word curriculum with textbooks. At Candies Creek Academy we use a Classical methodology with a standard curriculum. We continually evaluate our textbooks to assure they best serve our students while also evaluating other available options and seeking counsel from other Classical Christian Schools with a proven track record.
Q. What subjects will be taught at Candies Creek Academy?
The word “subject” can be defined as a basic thought, discussion, or theme. The Classical approach interrelates thought and discussion to create an overall theme. For example when studying astronomy, Classical education includes a global discussion to include the history of science and mathematics, which allows the student to grow in a true understanding of the topic. This discussion would include Copernicus and Galileo while uncovering the church’s relationship within medieval history. This one discussion, for example, would include science, history, politics, Bible, theology, and mathematics or six traditional “subjects” within a true understanding; not simply memorization without thought from behind the scenes. (More answers to “what subjects will be taught at CCA?” are given in the next question.)
Q. What is Classical education?
Classical education is divided into three distinct stages of learning; grammar, logic and rhetoric. For the Grammar (elementary) and Logic (middle school) stages of learning, we will use history as an organized outline while incorporating Bible, science, math, literature, grammar and composition, geography, art, and music. In third grade, students begin their study of Latin. In eighth grade, students begin their formal study of logic. During the Rhetoric stage (high school), students present their vast understanding through writing, and speech, and debate. Studies in the Rhetoric stage will include typical topics such as: Algebra I, Geometry, Physical Science, Chemistry, Composition, Rhetoric, Ancient Literature, British Literature, Medieval History, American History, Latin, Logic, Church History, Apologetics, Physical Education, Health, and Personal Finance.
Q. How will students who have not been trained classically adjust to the new methods?
At Candies Creek Academy we look at each student through God’s design and understand that each have individual strengths and weaknesses. A student will quickly engage through their strengths and our talented educators will build on their weaknesses. Because the Classical method follows a system of learning that springs from the way people are designed by God, the minor hurdles are quickly overcome as the child flourishes through a higher level of understanding. Children tend to be quite resilient and rise to the challenge when we allow them to experience the joy of learning. Some students may encounter challenges as they experience higher standards, although through effective mentorship, Candies Creek Academy will guide the student past their comfort level while engaging them to stretch effectively through each Classical education level.
Q. How will students be evaluated at Candies Creek Academy?
Our philosophy on education recognizes that an effective evaluation is one that evaluates the true essence of learning. Most forms of modern education use a standardized testing system to compare students to their peers and the public at large. However, this system really only tests memorization for a point in time and is guided by what is important for the masses not necessarily higher education. This system falls short in evaluating anything outside the normal learning track where educator assessment flourishes for higher education. It is our belief that teachers who are working directly with and guiding the students will know best if the child is growing in their understanding. Our goal at Candies Creek is to constantly move the student forward in an understanding as compared to where the child is within the program as a whole. The goal of Candies Creek Academy is to grow each individual as an individual. Other methods of education tend to mass feed information and push the child forward whether there is understanding or not. Candies Creek Academy’s highest priority is that each student excels at each of the three Classical levels guiding a well-rounded person through understanding. As a result we will implement a list of skills that should be mastered in each area as an instructor’s guidance tool. Our lower school teachers to younger students (K-2) use a grades system of: Outstanding, Satisfactory, Improvement Needed, or Unsatisfactory to designate how well the student is doing in working toward mastery of the particular skill. Teachers of older students (3rd-8th) use a system of: A, B, C, D, F to designate how well the student is doing in working toward mastery of the particular skill.
Q. Will Candies Creek Academy have a sports program?
We realize that part of loving the Lord with all of your being includes keeping your body healthy. Our students will be engaged and active in physical exercise regularly each week. Our lower school enjoys two recesses each day, and our upper school has a PE program involving group sports and activities. The school currently has a middle school Girls Volleyball Team; please, know that Bradley County hosts many recreational sports programs.
Q. Will Candies Creek Academy offer other electives?
In due time we hope to offer other electives that will enhance our students individual interest to provide an even broader base of experiences through a better understanding of God and the magnificence of His creation.
Q. What will a day in a Grammar Stage classroom look like?
Young students are fun and creative. They are naturally excited about learning. We will seek to engage these young people through songs, rhymes, stories, and games to enable them to naturally memorize information during this time when their brains so easily master the skill. With an organized structure using history chronologically, we will learn Bible, science, geography, art, music, literature and writing in addition to the fundamentals of phonics, mathematics, composition, English grammar and Latin.
Q. What will a day in a Logic/Rhetoric stage classroom look like?
Our older students will be learning formal logic, reasoning, and rhetorical skills to enable them to think logically, speak respectfully, and persuade their audience through both the written word as well as oral presentations. The integration of subjects with a Biblical Worldview is a key focus of our academics as we lead students to connect ideas, apply what they have learned, and impact the world for Christ. Some of the key ways that our minds learn logic skills is through the study of Latin, mathematics and higher sciences. Incorporating all of these disciplines in our study will enable our instructors to train students in a global understanding to empower them to fulfill their God given purpose to bring glory to God throughout their lifetime.