1 Corinthians 13

Chapter 13 describes the way and essential nature of love in light of chapter 12 discussion on spiritual gifts.

v1-3 Spiritual gifts contribute nothing to your character or spiritual maturity apart from true, genuine love.

v4-7 Love is a verb. Love is visible in action and attitude. Love is not a feeling but a doing and being.

Love is patient

Love is kind

Love does not envy

Love is not arrogant (proud)

Love is not rude

Love is not selfish

Love is not irritable (provoked)

Love is not resentful (keeps not recorded of wrongs suffered)

Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing. (unrighteousness)

Love rejoices with the truth

Love bears all things

Love believes all things

Love hopes all things

Love endures all things

All the above are verbs functionally.

v8-12 Our spiritual gifts are limited, imperfect, and distorted because of our own limitations.

v13 Therefore, faith, hope, and love are essential foundations for the proper execution of our spiritual gifts. Love is the greatest quality.