August 15, 2022

1 Corinthians 10

Careful, church, careful… ancient Israel tasted and forsook God’s blessings and chose idolatry leading to destruction. v1-13

  1. Do not be idolaters. v7
  2. Do not be sexually immoral. v8
  3. Do not put Christ to the test. v9
  4. Do not grumble. v10


Ancient Israel was an example to the church, so be careful with temptations and look to God to overcome or endure them. v11-13


The church cannot participate in idolatry and be faithful to the Lord. v14-22


Through love, seek the good of your neighbor for the glory of God. v23-30, 31


Through love, serve everyone in everything that is worthy, for the glory of God. v32-33, 31


Back in 2016, I preached eight messages on 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 in a series called Examples. Here is a link to the first message titled “Israel is an Example.”  


I also preached a message in 2012 on 1 Corinthians 10:31 called “True Worship Glorifies God”  in a series called Worship through the Book.