Classical education is a traditional approach that blends Christian theology with the historic curriculum and pedagogy of the seven liberal arts in order to produce societal leaders characterized by wisdom, virtue and eloquence. The seven liberal arts include grammar, logic, rhetoric (the trivium) arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy. Classical education is a comprehensive and academically rigorous curriculum and method that teaches children to actually think and reason.
Biblical truth is integrated into every subject in a classical setting. The Bible is considered more than a subject to be taught. Every area of learning is seen and explored through the lens of scripture. Scripture is truth and Classical education seeks to impart a Christian worldview and equip students to be effective disciples throughout the course of their life. Wisdom rather than content is the goal.
Finally, the Classical method uses children’s God given developmental stages for age specific learning, a time tested, 2500 year old tradition, of method and content, Christ-centered learning, and academically rigorous integrated subjects while being both fun and nurturing for the child.
Classical Education is; exploration, discovery, memorization, recitation, presentations, analyzing, debating, research and reasoning. Christian Classical education will help children to fulfill their God-given purpose to glorify God and proclaim His excellencies among the nations.
Classical Education has been called the “bedrock of Western culture”. There are many resources, web sites and books devoted to the topic here are just a handful of recommended books to help you get started.
Douglas Wilson, Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning and Repairing the Ruins
Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer, The Well Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home
John M. Gregory, The Seven Laws of Teaching